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Deportivo Pereira passes judgment on the game against Medellín

The Matecaña were held responsible for the non-conducting of the convention, but were not penalized.

Deportivo Pereira passes judgment on the game against Medellín

Gabriel Martinez

Apr 16, 2021

Medellínis left behind with just had 1 point in the relegation-deciding match of the BetPlay League's 17th season on April 6th Paisa then made the declaration to disqualify Dimayor because Matecaña used five footballers that had been contaminated by CO19.

Since the first week of the transfer window, no further trades have occurred.

Disciplinary Committee of Antioquia ultimately sanctioned El Equipo del Pueblo's loss of points in the BetPlay DOR 2021 League due to not doing its part for their engagement in protection.

According to the Colombian Football Federation's court, BetPlay League's Appeals Committee, "the Committee does not comply with the arguments of El S.A."

Being "unprecedented" is causing everyone on edge (as far as I'm concerned, the tiebreaker game will never be seen again)

In order to make a case for reinstatement and to be heard, the Pereira would have to contemplate on the last day of the all-in round, 26 points separate Medellín from second place.

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