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How Far Do Soccer Players Run? Discover The Surprising Stats

In a 90-minute soccer match, players run an average of 7-9 miles, with midfielders covering the most distance. Learn how fitness and tactics affect these stats.

How Far Do Soccer Players Run? Discover The Surprising Stats

Gabriel Martinez

Sep 28, 2024

Soccer playerstypically run between 6 to 9 miles during a 90-minute game, depending on their position and role on the field. Midfielders often cover the most ground as they move between defense and attack, while forwards and defenders usually run slightly less. The pace varies, with playersalternating between sprinting, jogging, and walking. This level of movement requires a high level of endurance and fitness to maintain performancethroughout the match.

Average Distance Covered by Professional Soccer Players

Professional soccer playerscover a significant distance during a 90-minute game. On average, players run between 7 to 9 miles per match, depending on their position, playing style, and the intensity of the game. Midfielders, due to their role in both offense and defense, tend to cover the most ground, averaging between 6.2 to 8.1 miles per game, while defenders and forwards typically run slightly less, ranging from 5 to 7.5 miles. Goalkeepers cover the least amount, often running only 1 to 2.5 miles as their role is more stationary.

Factors Affecting the Distance Run in a Soccer Match

Several factors can influence how much distance a player covers during a game:

  • Position: As mentioned, midfielders cover the most distance, followed by wingers, forwards, and defenders, with goalkeepers covering the least​.
  • Team Tactics: A high-pressing team strategy requires players to run more to close down opponents, while a possession-based team may result in less distance covered as players focus on ball control.
  • Fitness Levels: Players with higher endurance and cardiovascular fitness can maintain a high level of movement throughout the match, covering more distance compared to those with lower fitness levels.

Comparison of Distances Run by Different Positions

Different positions require varying levels of movement:

  • Midfielders: They cover the most ground, ranging from 6.2 to 8.1 miles, as they contribute to both attacking and defending.
  • Forwards: They typically cover between 5.6 to 7.5 miles, mainly through sprints to create goal-scoring opportunities​.
  • Defenders: Defenders, particularly center-backs, cover less ground, averaging around 5 to 6.8 miles per game, as their primary role is defensive.
  • Goalkeepers: They run the least, between 1.2 to 2.5 miles, focusing on their position within the penalty area.

How Do Fitness Levels Impact the Distance Players Run?

Fitness levels significantly affect how far a player can run during a game. Players with higher aerobic capacity can sustain more running, particularly at high intensity. Regular cardiovascular exercises, such as interval training, can improve stamina and help players run longer distances. On average, fitter players tend to cover more ground, maintaining high performance throughout the match.

Sprinting vs Jogging: Speed Variations During a Match

During a match, players switch between different speeds:

  • Walking and jogging dominate most of the time, accounting for about 70% of the distance covered​.
  • High-speed running and sprinting make up only about 10%, but these bursts are critical during counter-attacks and defensive recoveries. Midfielders and wingers tend to sprint the most, especially in high-intensity phases of the game​.

How Does Distance Run in a Game Vary by League and Level?

The distance covered can vary depending on the league and level of competition. In higher-quality leagues, such as the English Premier League or UEFA competitions, players are often required to run more, both in terms of total distance and high-intensity efforts. In lower-level leagues, there is generally less high-speed running, with around 6% of the total running being high-intensity, compared to 10% in top leagues​.

How Soccer Players Train to Improve Endurance

To enhance endurance, soccer playersfocus on a mix of aerobic and anaerobic exercises. Aerobic exercises, such as long-distance running, improve VO2 max, which helps players delay fatigue by increasing their oxygen capacity. This allows them to run longer without accumulating lactic acid in their muscles, which is the primary cause of fatigue during extended physical activity​.

In contrast, anaerobic training, like interval training and high-intensity sprints, is crucial because it mirrors the fast-paced demands of a soccermatch. Players frequently shift between sprinting, jogging, and walking during games. Shuttle runs, stop-and-go sprints, and small-sided games are common methods used to improve both stamina and game-specific endurance.

Another key element in soccerendurance training is circuit training, which often includes exercises that mimic game situations (e.g., dribbling while running) to integrate technical skillsinto stamina development. In professional settings, teams also monitor players' heart rates and distances covered to tailor endurance sessions.

How Distance Run Affects Player Performance and Strategy

The distance a player covers during a game can significantly influence their performance and the team's strategy. Players with better endurance maintain high-quality actions throughout the match, especially in the final minutes when fatigue usually impacts decision-making and technical ability. For instance, a fullback who can sprint up and down the field multiple times in quick succession without tiring has a substantial advantage both offensively and defensively​.

Furthermore, team tactics play a crucial role in determining how much ground a player covers. High-pressing teams require players to cover more distance as they constantly close down opponents. In contrast, teams that focus on ball possession may have players cover less ground but maintain their energy for key moments.

Overall, players who can maintain their performance over longer distances contribute more effectively to both defense and attack, making endurance training a priority for professional athletes​.


In a typical professional soccer match, players cover between 7 to 9 miles depending on their position and playing style. Midfielders tend to cover the most distance, followed by forwards, defenders, and goalkeepers, who cover the least. The specific demands of each position, combined with individual fitness levels and tactical strategies, influence the total distance covered during a game​.

This distance includes a combination of walking, jogging, running, and sprinting, emphasizing the importance of stamina and endurance in modern soccer. Through targeted training routines, players can enhance their ability to maintain high performance throughout the game, particularly during the most demanding phases.

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