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Tennessee Judge Dissolves 'Blind Side' Family Conservatorship, Allows Lawsuit To Continue

Judge Gomes's decision to dissolve the conservatorship is notable for several reasons. She expressed astonishment that such an agreement had been established in the first place. In her view, the arrangement was unprecedented, particularly because Michael Oher did not have a disability that would typically warrant the establishment of a conservatorship. In her four-decade career, she had never encountered a similar case.

Tennessee Judge Dissolves 'Blind Side' Family Conservatorship, Allows Lawsuit To Continue

Gabriel Martinez

Apr 11, 2024

In a recent legal development, a Memphis, Tennessee judge has made a significant ruling that dissolves the conservatorship agreement between former NFL player Michael Oher and the Tuohy family. The Tuohys were thrust into the national spotlight due to the 2009 blockbuster film "The Blind Side," which depicted their story and their role in helping Oher, a high school student at the time, pursue his footballcareer and education.

The conservatorship agreement in question had been in place since 2004, prior to Oher's senior year of high school. It granted the Tuohy family authority over Oher's finances and critical life decisions. However, the recent ruling by Shelby County Probate Court Judge Kathleen Gomes effectively terminated this arrangement.

Judge Gomes's decision to dissolve the conservatorship is notable for several reasons. She expressed astonishment that such an agreement had been established in the first place. In her view, the arrangement was unprecedented, particularly because Michael Oher did not have a disability that would typically warrant the establishment of a conservatorship. In her four-decade career, she had never encountered a similar case.

Conservatorships, as defined by Tennessee law, involve the court removing decision-making powers and duties from individuals who lack the capacity to make decisions in critical areas due to a medical condition or disability. It is usually intended to protect vulnerable individuals and ensure their best interests are upheld.

While the conservatorship has been dissolved, other unresolved issues remain within the legal battle between Michael Oher and the Tuohy family. Oher filed a lawsuit in August, alleging that the Tuohys had deceived him into signing documents that designated them as his conservators instead of his adoptive parents. He asserted that he had only recently become aware of this deception. The judge's decision to dissolve the conservatorship does not dismiss these ongoing legal matters.

The Tuohy family has responded to Oher's allegations, stating that they have been estranged from him for approximately a decade and that the claims have been deeply distressing for them. They characterized the allegations as a "ridiculous shakedown attempt," suggesting that Oher had made threats before filing the lawsuit.

One of the key aspects of Oher's lawsuit is his demand to terminate the Tuohys' ability to profit from his name, story, and likeness. He is seeking a share of the profits earned over the years, claiming that the Tuohys enriched themselves at his expense.

The legal battle between Michael Oher and the Tuohy family has raised significant questions about the conservatorship agreement and the financial aspects of their relationship. Oher's story, as depicted in "The Blind Side," touched the hearts of many and became a symbol of hope and opportunity. However, the legal disputes that have emerged in recent years reveal a more complex and contentious reality.

As the lawsuit continues to unfold, it remains to be seen how the courts will ultimately resolve the issues at hand. The dissolution of the conservatorship marks a significant development in the case, but the broader legal implications and potential financial consequences are still pending.

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