Striking Soccer Skills And Techniques That Every Player Should Know In 2023
Scoring a goal is one of the most difficult things to do in football. To get the ball into the back of the net, you must have quick wits, good judgment, and a good striking soccer technique.

Daniel Clark
Apr 08, 2023
Scoring a goal is one of the most difficult things to do in football. To get the ball into the back of the net, you must have quick wits, good judgment, and a goodstriking soccertechnique.
When hit correctly, the ball can fly quickly and accurately even with little power behind it, though it isn't as simple as it appears on the screen.
Being a good ball striker takes a lot of practice, but with the right training, you can become the next top soccerathlete in the world.
Thus, to help you out, we will provide in this article some striking soccer skillsand techniques that every player should know to enhance their soccergameplay.
The Concept Of Striking Soccer Skills

How To Strike A Soccer Ball | Hit It Clean And Accurately
The concept of striking a soccer ball applies to any situation in which you want to get rid of the ball, preferably to a teammate or for a shot on goal.
This includes long and short passes, shots at goal, crosses, and both heading the ball and throw-ins. Throws and volleys would fall into this category for a goalkeeper.
A defensive player will do everything possible to disrupt these moves, disrupt the opposition's flow of play, and challenge them to possession of the ball.
Here are the steps you can take to strike the ball.
Step 1 - Preparation Before Striking The Ball
Make sure you're wearing proper shoes (preferably soccer cleats) and that you're kicking the ball at something, such as a wall or a goal, so you don't have to run and get it every time.
Set your ball where you want to strike it. Position yourself behind the ball so that you are facing the target.
Now take about three steps backwards. Take one step to the left if your right foot is dominant. Take a step to the right if you have a dominant left foot.
Step 2 - Before Striking The Ball
Now comes the crucial part. When you're lined up behind the ball, take quick strides about the same size as you did when walking backward.
Your non-kicking foot should be "planted" right next to the ball on your final stride.
Your kicking leg should bend at the knee as soon as your non-kicking foot touches the ground, so that your heel almost touches your behind.
Lock your ankle so that your foot is flat and parallel to your shin.
Step 3 - Striking the Ball
Before you begin this step, practice the second step 5-6 times to ensure that it goes smoothly and that you do not injure yourself.
Once you've got your leg back, swing it through and kick the ball.
Do not lean back as you are about to kick it. This is a common error that everyone makes. Leaning back causes the ball to fly high into the air, likely over your target.
Keeping this in mind, try swinging your leg "through" the ball, which means allowing your leg to continue forward even after you kick the ball. Make sure your ankle is locked. Aim to hit the ball in the center.
After making contact with the ball, your momentum should propel your foot through the ball, allowing you to land on your kicking foot.
Striking Soccer Techniques
Focus on making contact with the ball; power comes from better technique, not a harder swing.
You will get power if you hit the ball correctly. A wild swing will almost certainly cost power. You want to strike the ball with the upper inside of your boot, which is supported by your shoe's large foot bone. It's the most stable part to make contact with.
Make contact with the appropriate area of the ball. The sweet spot is in the center of the ball, on the opposite side of the ball from the direction of travel. Hitting the ball on the sides will bend the shot, while hitting it directly behind you will give you the most power. Maintain your balance. Leaning over the ball will keep it at a lower level.
Here are some techniques that you should know to improve your striking soccer gameplay.
Observe The Goalkeeper's Position
Because the goalkeeper is in the center of the goal, strike the ball close to the corner. Shoot the ball above or beneath the goalkeeper. For goalies, diving upwards or downwards is more difficult than diving straight across the goal. The ideal shot location is the top corner of the goal, also known as the "upper 90."
Foot Placement On The Ball
Paying attention to where you place your foot will improve your strike's accuracy and momentum.
Correctly positioning your foot solves problems with your kick. For example, if you strike the ball in the middle but consistently kick it over the goal, you are positioning your place foot behind the ball. It is rather even with the ball.
Push off your kicking foot and move your place foot forward to the correct position to position your place foot.
Head Down And Your Eyes On The Ball During Striking
While kicking, avoid looking at the defenders or the goal. Keep your gaze fixed on the ball at all times. You will gain accuracy and power.
What you want to achieve determines where you look at the ball. In most cases, aim for the center of the soccer ball.
It's difficult to break the habit of looking up while kicking. Every player enjoys looking at his or her kick. However, breaking the habit is worthwhile. You won't get to see as much of your kick, but the ball will go into the goal more frequently.
Contact The Middle To The Top Half Of The Ball
The part of your foot that should make contact with the ball depends on the type of kick. Kick the ball with the inside of your foot to make a ground pass, and the sole of your foot to make a straight kick.
Flexibility in your foot reduces power and accuracy. Lock your ankle to make your foot firm and straight. If you can master this, your kicking accuracy will improve.
Don’t Forget To Follow Through
Concentrate on following through. It has a significant impact on your kick. Following through increases power and accuracy significantly. You are essentially chipping rather than kicking the ball if you do not follow through.
Continue your kick after making contact with the ball to follow through. To improve accuracy, keep moving towards your target. If you want the ball to go higher, lift your leg after you kick it.
If you want to drive a kick, keep your leg at a medium height and step forward with your kicking leg rather than lifting it into the air. Land on your kicking foot at all times.
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What Is Striking In Soccer?
Make contact with the ball with the top of your foot, with your toes pointing downward. This angle increases the power of your kick. If you strike with your chest too high, the ball will likely sail over the goal. Maintain good control of the ball.
What Makes A Good Striker?
The ability to control a football, also known as 'touch,' is the most important skill for a striker to have. Control of the footballin a tight situation can often mean the difference between scoring a goal and not scoring at all. There are numerous touch points that must be mastered.
Do Strikers Play Defense?
A striker is frequently one of the best defenders against a team that can switch the field of play. To move the ball across the field, most good teams will pass it back to their back-line defenders.
Soccer striking is a skill that every soccer player should learn and master. Being a striker is the type of player that the coach looks to in order to win the game, so the striker is arguably one of the most important playerson a footballteam. So, if you want to improve your striking soccer skills, we highly recommend that you follow the tips and techniques that we have provided in this article.